Formation for New Readers and EMHCs

November 14, 2019 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
35 Norfield Road
CT 06883
Formation for New Readers and EMHCs @ St. Francis of Assisi Parish

As members of the Body of Christ through baptism, in addition to life as Christians in the secular world, it is our right and duty to participate in the various roles and ministries of liturgical celebrations appropriate to our status. Baptism calls us to a way of life in Christ. It is a call to holiness shaped by the Paschal Mystery, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. All our intentions and activities are to be formed by the teachings of Christ to give glory and praise to God. It is our responsibility to live a life worthy of our baptismal call. Because of baptism, we expect to join together in prayer to give witness to the blessings we receive from a gracious and loving God.

As one accepts a role of ministry for liturgy as a right and duty, he/she must understand the privilege and responsibility attached to their ministry. The role is to be fulfilled with all due reverence and dignity warranted in serving Christ. When embracing a role for liturgy, one embraces the commitment to dependability, time for preparation each time he/she serves, and time for ongoing development and enrichment.

So thank you for choosing to be a Reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Your formation includes two parts:

1. Face-to-face formation
2. Online (or offline) formation

To begin your formation process, please review the requirements (Reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion), submit your application and letter of recommendation (Reader or EMHC, only one is required), and then sign up for one of the face-to-face formation sessions.

During this face-to-face session, you will hear more about your role and be introduced to the online formation process. The gathering will last 90-120 minutes.

To sign up for this session, please CLICK HERE.