Deacon Robert Henrey presents The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel Zoom Series

November 11, 2020 @ 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm
Deacon Robert Henrey presents The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel Zoom Series
The Ancient Near East: Land of Babel
Wednesdays, November 11 & 18, 5:00-6:15 PM via this Zoom link:

In this series of presentations, Robert Henrey shares his interest in the highly diverse historical and cultural environments that characterized the Ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean world.  He sets out to give an overview of the events that made it possible for narratives and traditions to develop, especially those underlying the scriptures, and be eventually recorded thereby ensuring their transmission down the generations.  It’s a fascinating story and one that is relevant to our contemporary world as we cope with our overarching need to communicate with each other, and at the same time, balance the pursuit for national identity with the forces of globalization.  Despite their complexity, Robert attempts to present the events as straightforwardly and engagingly as possible, with each presentation fully illustrated with on-screen, relative graphics.
Please join us via Zoom for these engaging remaining events!
November 11:
Part 3: Conflicts between Identity and competing World Views:  Cyrus’ Persian Empire, the post-Exilic quest for identity, Alexander the Great’s universal dream and the adaptation of the Hebrew scriptures to a Hellenized world
November 18:
Part 4:  The challenge of Transmitting Tradition to Posterity:  
The rise of Roman power; Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew at the crossroads and the saga of how the Hebrew and Christian scriptures eventually came to be recorded

Click here for series details and to view Parts 1 & 2.